I crib academic French, which is to say, I read it word for word, dictionary in one hand and sheets of grammar notes in the other. This is perfectly doable with French (especially if you've done a bit of Latin), with two hold-ups. The first is that negation is kind of weird - but the notes on the wikipedia page on French grammar explain those in a particularly useful manner, so that's not a huge issue.
The second issue is the random connecting words, which hold sentances together - things like 'but' 'and' & 'since.' I keep a reference sheet for those and live in terror that I will lose it or accidentally toss it out. Thus I thought that I would post it to this blog, so that I have a virtual copy. This post is therefore really more of a personal reference than anything else (an incomplete one at that), but if you find it helpful, then that's all for the good.
- à cause de - because of
- à cela près - excepting that
- à cet effet - to that end / therefore
- à la fois - at a time / at once
- à moins que + SUBJUNCTIVE - unless
- à partir de - starting from
- à peine - hardly / barely / scarcely
- à peu de chose près - more or less
- à peu près - more or less / almost
- à propos - by the way
- à propos de - about / with respect to
- à sa solde - on his behalf
- ailleurs - elsewhere
- ainsi - thus
- ainsi que - as well as / just as
- alors - so / hence
- après - after / afterwards
- au courant - at current / up-to-date
- au fond - deep down / in the depths of
- au moins - at least
- au-delà - beyond
- aujourd'hui - today / at present
- auquel / auxquels - to which / at which
- aussi - too / also /as well / as / therefore
- aussi bien - in the same fashion
- aussitôt - immediately
- aussitôt que - once / as soon as
- autant - so much
- autant de - as much as
- autant que - as much as
- autant que + SUBJUNCTIVE - as far as
- autour - around
- autrement - otherwise
- autrement dit - in other words
- aux - au + le = to the
- avec - with
- bien que - although
- bientôt - soon
- beaucoup - much / very much / a lot
- car - as / since / because / for
- celui - the one
- celui-ci - this one / the latter
- celui-là - that one / the former
- cependant - meanwhile / however
- c'est-à-dire - that is to say
- comme - as / like / how!
- d'abord - primarily
- d'abord et avant tout - first and foremost
- d'abord que - as soon as
- d'ailleurs - besides / furthermore / from elsewhere
- dans la foulée - at the same time
- dans le courant de - in the course of
- dans le même temps - on the other hand / simultaneously
- de temp à autre - now and then
- de temps entemps - from time to time
- de tout façon - regardless
- dehors - outside / outside of
- depuis - since / for / from
- désormais - henceforth
- donc - therefore / thus
- dont - of which / of whose / whereof
- dequi - of which
- dequel / delaquelle / desquels - of whom
- depuis - since / from / for
- du - of the / some
- du reste - moreover
- en dépit de - in spite of
- en effet - in effect
- en même temps - simultaneously / on the other hand
- en revanche - on the other hand
- en tête - ahead
- enfin - finally / in fact
- entre - between
- grâce à - thanks to
- guère - hardly
- ici - here
- il faut - it is necessary
- il s'agit - It is a question of / It is about
- jadis - once/long ago
- jusqu'à - until / up to / to
- jusqu'à ceque + SUBJUNCTIVE - until a certain time
- jusque - until / up to
- jusqu'ici - hitherto / so far
- l'évidence même - self-evidently
- loin de - far from
- lorsque - when
- mal de tête - headache
- malgré - despite
- même - same
- _______ même - very ______
- même les - even
- moins - less
- ne .... aucune - no / not any
- ne .... aucunement - not / not at all
- ne …. guère - not much / hardly
- ne .... jamais - never
- ne .... nulle part - nowhere
- ne .... nullement - not / not at all
- ne .... personne - nobody
- ne .... plus - no longer
- ne .... point - not / not at all
- ne .... que - only
- ne .... rien - nothing
- nettement - clearly
- nul - no / not any
- nulle part ailleurs - nowhere else
- or - yet/presently
- ou - or/either
- outre - besides
- par ailleurs - furthermore
- par rapport à - in relation to / compared to
- parce que - because
- parfois - sometimes
- parmi - among
- partout ailleurs - everywhere else
- pas autrement - hardly
- pendantque - while / as
- pendant - during / throughout
- peu - not very / few / little
- peu à peu - little by little
- peut-être - maybe / perhaps
- peut être - may be (looks very similar to the previous)
- plus haut - moreover
- plus ou moins - more or less
- plutôt - sooner / instead / kind of
- pour autant - inasmuch as
- près - near / close
- près de - near to
- presque - almost
- puisque - since / because
- quand - when
- quand même - anyway / in spite / [intensifier]
- quant à - as for / according to
- que - that / than
- quel - which/what
- quelle qu'en - whatever
- quelque - some
- quelque chose - something
- quelque chose de + ADJECTIVE - something which has a quality of [the adjective]
- quelquefois - sometimes
- quelquepart - somewhere
- quelqu'un - anybody / somebody (masculine)
- quelqu'une - anybody / somebody (feminine)
- qu'un - that a
- sans - without
- sans doute - without doubt [i.e. the author is asserting something without properly backing it up]
- sauf - except/unless
- selon - according to / depending on
- semble-t-il - so it seems
- si - if/such
- suivant - next / following
- surtout - especially
- tantôt - sometimes / later / earlier
- tardif - late / later
- tel - such / one
- tête - head / top / beginning
- tôt - early
- toujours - still / always
- tous - all / every
- tout / toute - any
- tout à coup - all of a sudden
- tout à fait - entirely
- tout à l'heure - earlier / later
- tout d'abord - first/primarily
- toutefois - however / nevertheless
- trop - too / too much
- tropde - too much of
- toujours - always / still
- voilà - there is / here is / i.e.
- voire - even / indeed
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